2020 'Preview' Edition | Page 79

products are made in the USA. Most feature rechargeable batteries to ensure power for repeated use, or normal alkaline batteries. www.AmericanSecurityToday.com June 2019 - Edition 45 Megaphones AmpliVox manufactures a complete line of lightweight, powerful megaphones for reaching potential audiences. A comfortable pistol grip that can be folded for storage allows holding the megaphone for extended periods of time. An exclusive battery indicator light feature only found on AmpliVox megaphones lets you always know the status of your battery life for safety and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_CuIB-TrCo&feature=emb_logo (In troubling times, we need to communicate loudly and clearly to disperse public audiences. See how AmpliVox can help you to do just that. Courtesy of AmpliVox and YouTube.) 79