2020 'Preview' Edition | Page 35

through programs that create reusable space, utilizing ‘designing crime out principles’ (adapting environmental design principles for crime prevention), also known as Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), and government regulation. www.AmericanSecurityToday.com June 2019 - Edition 45 The basic concept of CPTED is if we can design the space so that it is almost always under observation “bad actors” won’t act badly. Today’s society is extremely complex and interconnected; therefore, interdisciplinary activities are paramount. Companies that manufacture products will need architects, sociologists and Human Resource https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcONLl25a-0 (What is Designing Out Crime? Learn more about how design can be used to tackle crime and social problems in our community through this long running initiative between the University of Technology Sydney and the NSW Department of Justice. Courtesy of the UTS Design Innovation research centre and YouTube. Posted on May 16, 2019.) 35