2020 'Preview' Edition | Page 22

www.AmericanSecurityToday.com June 2020 - Edition 45 ShotSpotter Missions FAQ's How can Missions™ benefit a police department? • Police departments are constantly be- ing asked to do more with less and ShotSpotter Missions helps agencies make their patrol resources more effi- cient and effective in reducing crime. • The software provides intelligence to direct patrol and task force units in a more precise and impactful way based on daily AI-driven risk assessments for multiple crime types in their service area. • The system also suggests specific tac- tics to use that are appropriate for the situation. • Missions collects data that can be an- alyzed to determine the impact that these directed patrols and tactics have on crime so that they can be optimized over time. • Specifically, Missions: • Detects areas at highest risk for crime on a shift-by-shift and beat-by-beat ba- sis • Protects the community by ensuring patrols are placed at the right place before crime occurs to create a deter- rent effect, , leading to lower crime rates • Connects the tactics and dosage to their crime impact so police can continually assess and optimize their patrol strat- egies and create safer communities What crime types does it forecast? • Part 1 Crimes: : Gunfire, homicide, ag- gravated assault/battery, robbery, bur- glary, motor vehicle theft, and theft Can it track only crime types that are of interest to me? • Yes, crime forecasts can be configured based on those crimes of interest to a police department. • For larger agencies, each district may have their own crime type priorities 22