2020 'Preview' Edition | Page 6

Municipalities can avoid spending money on costly hardware that needs maintenance. Regroup offers built-in automation for severe weather and other federal alerts from FEMA’s IPAWS, NOAA, and more. www.AmericanSecurityToday.com June 2020 - Edition 45 Regroup’s cloud-based system and 24/7 support is all government agencies need to reach everyone, regardless of where they are. Automated alerts. Some recent success stories from around the United States include: ADAMS COUNTY, COLORADO As one of the largest counties in the state of Colorado, Adams County uses Regroup Mass Notification for weather warnings, including https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=CuqH8PBx3wk&feature=emb_logo (See why Regroup's award-winning platform is the top choice for emergency and day-today notifications for universities, hospitals, corporations, and venues across North America and worldwide. Courtesy of Regroup Mass Notification and YouTube.) 6