www.AmericanSecurityToday.com June 2020 - Edition 45
(Learn More by this brief video essay by David Davis on how good design can reduce
crime levels in a community. Courtesy of James Fletcher and YouTube.)
folks on their product teams.
Since the public will rely on
better physical security gov-
ernance and stewardship, , we
can’t allow the loss of the hu-
man element in technology
applications and usage.
At the same time a better un-
derstanding of how this “tool”
called technology affects be-
haviors is essential.
Since technology is moving so
fast it may be hard to catch up or
to even stay abreast of it.
Add to that the ever changing
adaptive threat environment
and the sophisticated evolution
of these threats to our society.
These four factors are foremost
in our minds:
• Technology is moving at break-
neck speeds so the physical