Wave 2 : Armed Anxiety www . AmericanSecurityToday . com November 2020 Edition - 50
Research shows that there are as many as 393 million pri- vately owned guns in
circula- tion in the United States .
The recent pandemic has
spurred a new surge in gun purchas- es . More guns were sold in
the first eight months of 2020
than were sold in all of last year .
While most crime has signifi- cantly declined during the pandemic , shootings and kill- ings remain at pre-pandemic levels . Soon after pandemic
lockdown orders started to lift , there was
a venue-targeted active shoot- ing incident in Arizona ,
and other active shooter incidents https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = fUxv2K _ RMok & feature = emb _ logo
( Homicides are up 270 %. Aggravated assault is up 60 %. And while robberies are steady
and rapes have actually dropped by 40 %, the murder and assault spikes are alarming .
Courtesy of Local 12 and YouTube . Posted on May 4 , 2020 .)