2020 Mid-Year Market Report July 2020 | Page 6

Closed sales Historical closed sales by month Defining a buyer's and a seller's market Perception is often reality in this arena, and one's sense of how the market is doing can vary from story to story and day to day. So, how can you really tell what kind of market you’re in?? We’ve determined that the best indicator of a market’s strength is its Monthly Housing Supply (MHS, for short). The MHS refers to how many months it would take to sell all of the properties currently listed in a market-area (assuming no additional listings come on the market) based on the current Absorption Rate (ie., pace of sales) for that particular area. Time, research, and market experience have shown us that anywhere around a 3 - 6 MHS is a Balanced Market where prices are fairly stable. However, if the MHS rises above 6 months, it indicates a Buyer’s Market, where buyers have more selections and control. Conversely, if the MHS drops below 3 months, sellers tend to have the advantage due to lower inventory amid higher demand. So, it really is more of a science than an art...and it takes an honest study to determine the type of market you’re experiencing. 5 | NOTE: The monthly housing supply varies within each neighborhood and can shift in a short period of time. We're always happy to share with you the most up to date information for your specific neighborhood.