Purpose and Structure of This Guide
Health care providers play a key role in reducing their patients ’ exposure to unnecessary radiation . With the rate of medical imaging and related radiation exposure increasing , it is even more crucial to reduce radiation exposure from other sources , including radon . Because radon is a leading environmental cause of cancer mortality in the United States , 1 it is imperative that patients be informed about the health risks of protracted radon exposure and the simple steps they can take to reduce their exposure .
This document serves as a reference guide on radon and contains the following sections :
What Is Radon ? 1 How Does Radon Enter the Home ? 2 Radon Decay Products 2 The Numbers and Public Health Impact 3 Radon and Smoking — Combined Effects 4 Radon Health Risks for Individuals Who Have Never Smoked 5 The Science Behind the Risk Estimates 5 Radon Testing 7 Radon Reduction 7 Sample Guidance for Use in Health Care Settings 8
The Role of Health Care Providers in Reducing the Burden of Radon-Induced Lung Cancer 9
Educational Resources 9 Interventions to Reduce the Burden of Radon-Related Lung Cancer 10 References 11