2020 Georgian Bay Wedding Guide 10th Anniversary Issue | Page 72

Jessica Crandlemire ~ Photographer www.withlightandshadow.ca “The thing that’s important to know is that you never know. You’re always sort of feeling your way.” - Diane Arbus P hotography is something that could be said to have found Jess more than she it. Something that began as a personal outlet for expression has grown into a passion driven vocation. While her formal training was in other fields they have all served to help inform and push her in this direction as she realized it was the one thing she wanted to do most in the world. She is drawn to the many expressions of our human- ity; connection and vulnerability. The privilege of being al- lowed into someone’s most intimate and significant moments is not lost on her. Nor is the responsibility of being a memory keeper for those moments. 72 Georgian Bay Wedding Guide – 2020 While understanding the beauty and importance of having good portraits, Jess is a true believer in the significance of story. She wants to tell yours. Every wedding is unique, just as every couple is unique. The images from the day should reflect that, they should also make you laugh and cry, and relive those life changing moments again and again for years to come. Having been raised by artists Jess has learned to trust her intuition, she responds emotionally to the situation in front of her and her approach and style have grown in this way. This is apparent in her work. Her approach may be a little different, she would rather climb, scale or crawl to find the angle so don’t be surprised if you find her up a tree or laying in the grass. Her desire always, is to connect through the imagery so that you feel it in your own way. This is the strength she brings to her work and what she brings to your wedding day. •