2020 Georgian Bay Wedding Guide 10th Anniversary Issue | Page 39

Leave it to The Pros: Live Music www.grahamplayford.com 1 3 L ive music can set the stage for a wonderful and engaging atmosphere for you and your guests. Many couples find the music they choose also helps them express their feelings for each other. Here are a few things to consider when hiring musicians for your wedding: What style and genre(s) are going to work for you and your guests? Are you looking for an act to create ambiance or to get everyone out of their seats and onto the dance floor? Most musicians will have a style of performance they are most suited to and it is wise to ask the act directly about their strengths. The old saying ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ can really apply here. If you have specific songs in mind it’s good to share that with the act early in the process. What is your budget? There is a wide range of cost between 2 different acts and it is always a good idea to see the act perform before hiring them. While it’s tempting to save money here, there are several intangible benefits of hiring a seasoned and experienced act. They will often be more comfortable ad- justing to changes on the fly and troubleshooting technical or logistical issues such as managing acoustics for an outdoor ceremony or selecting the appropriate sound system for your venue and number of guests. Once you’ve found the perfect fit, it’s wise to draw up a simple contract with the act you choose. This will help get everyone on the same page on any specific details that are important to you. Congratulations and enjoy your big day!. • www.GeorgianBayWedding.com 39