2020 Georgian Bay Wedding Guide 10th Anniversary Issue | Page 106

C aleigh and Ryan credit an online dating service for bringing them together. Our first date was in September of 2017 at a pub in Toronto where we connected over our common love of baseball, draft beer and club sandwiches. When we first started dating, we would have a couple of dates a week, but we both knew very early on that we were perfect for each other. One afternoon, we took a walk on a trail together and got lost... but left with a feeling that somehow in getting lost together, we had found something precious and permanent. Ryan’s initial plan was to propose during our annual visit to the Christmas Market in Toronto. Unfortunately, the cus- tom-made ring was not ready quite in time for that. As a re- sult, Ryan proposed just prior to his family’s annual Christmas party. Caleigh was still shocked, so the desired effect was achieved! When it came to the wedding planning, we were partners throughout the process which made the journey even more enjoyable. We began with scoping out a few venues in 106 Georgian Bay Wedding Guide – 2020 various locations. Georgian Bay holds a special place in our hearts as we both have family in the area. We fell in love with Alpine Ski Club. The gorgeous floor-to-ceiling windows allow nature to be center stage of the reception. The views of the water, the outdoor and indoor space, the incredible bar, and the endless possibilities of how we could make the space exactly what we wanted it to be made Alpine an easy choice. Although we didn’t have an initial ‘theme’ for our wedding. The colours we chose were “Cabernet” and “Champagne”, so we often joked that our theme was “We’re getting married… And we like wine.” Amanda Jerome and Art in Bloem worked this into a classy theme for the wedding. Fr om the colour of our flowers, to the wine cork place card holders, our love of the rich autumn colour and our love of wine was prevalent in the decor. We wanted a warm, love-filled event with family and friends with excellent food and drinks. The candlelight, the exquisite flowers, the table linens and the elegant centerpieces were crucial in creating the desired mood for our reception.