Flexible Spending
Accounts – FSA
By participating in the Healthcare FSA and/or Dependent Day Care FSA, you can reduce your taxes.
If you want to participate in an FSA for 2020, you must enroll during Open Enrollment (or within 30 days of hire
if a new employee). You must actively enroll each year in an FSA if you want to participate the following year.
Healthcare Flexible Spending Account
• Contribute up to $2,700 annually pre-tax
• Roll over up to $500 from one year to the next
• Access to the total annual “projected” account as soon as you incur the expenses, either by using your debit
card or submitting itemized receipts for reimbursements
Dependent Day Care Flexible Spending Account
• Contribute up to $5,000 annually per household
• Expenses must be incurred by the end of the calendar year to be reimbursed
• Submit for reimbursement as funds accumulate in your FSA
• Daycare costs for children under age 13, disabled children, disabled spouses and disabled parents/grandparents
who are your legal dependent qualify
Reimbursing Claims
If you enroll in either FSA, you will be provided a debit card. You may either pay for eligible expenses with
your debit card or submit itemized receipts via mail, fax, mobile upload or online. You may also enroll in
direct deposit.
The Healthcare FSA carryover is limited to $500 at the end of the calendar year.
The Dependent Day Care FSA has a grace period that expires March 15, 2021 for the plan year 2020.