2020 Eastern Kentucky Camp Meeting Bulletin | Page 7

SABBATH AFTERNOON PROGRAMS MUSIC & MORE • 2:00 - 3:15 p . m . Prayer & President’s Report Music Youth Ministries Education Music Adventist Christian Fellowship Health Ministries Music Treasury Report Trust Services Music Ministerial/Evangelism Church Growth Prayer Steve Haley Lonnie & Vivian Ray and Joe Brown Greg Taylor Pegi Flynt Greg & Kim Taylor Nelson Silva Malinda Haley Demark & Wendy Melander Aaron McNulty Silke Hubbard Amy, Amber, & Michelle Kyser Kieth Noll Marshall McKenzie Ed Hoffman Platform Coordinator: Ed Hoffman Hoffman Welcome & Prayer Special Music Scripture Reading Sermon Closing Hymn #330 Benediction AFTERNOON SERVICE • 3:30 - 4:30 p . m . Proverbs 14:34 You and God’s Intervention in the World “Take My Life and Let It Be” Chorister: Bruce House Platform Coordinator: Rocky Davis THANK YOU TO Nelson Silva Kristina McFeeters Sandy Powell Jud Lake Congregation Steve Rose Pianist: Kristina McFeeters Members and staff of the First United Methodist Church for the use of their church facilities. Members of the Prestonsburg SDA Church for their hospitality and use of their church facilities.