2020 Eastern Kentucky Camp Meeting Bulletin | Page 2

EASTERN KENTUCKY CAMP MEETING P restonsburg S eventh - day A dventist C hurch M arch 13, 2020 • 7:00 - 8:30 p . m . Song Service Welcome & Announcements Prayer Opening Hymn #508 Offering & Prayer Scripture Reading Introduction of Speaker Special Music Sermon Closing Hymn #331 Benediction “Anywhere With Jesus” Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14 You and a Worldview “O Jesus, I Have Promised” Chorister: Bruce House Platform Coordinator: Mykal Ringstaff Congregation Kevin Shearer Mykal Ringstaff Congregation Daniel McFeeters Malinda Haley Steve Haley Lonnie & Vivian Ray and Joe Brown Jud Lake Congregation Carissa Haley Pianist: Kristina McFeeters Professor of Homiletics and Adventist Studies Director, Institute for the Study of Ellen White and Adventist Heritage JUD LAKE has been with the School of Religion since 1997. Before coming to Southern, he served as a pastor for ten years in the Gulf States Conference and two years as youth pastor and Bible teacher at Broadview Academy in the Il- linois Conference. He wrote his Doctor of Ministry disserta- tion on time management in the ministry and his Doctor of Theology dissertation on homiletical methodology.