2020 Baron Barclay Digital Gift Guide October 2020 | Page 7
Click to browse Beginner Sets
Make a New Plan , Stan ! by Marti Ronemus Watch how many Declarers call a card from dummy the minute the lead comes down . They have no plan , Stan , and then they wonder why they miss their goal . Well , not us !! We ’ re going to learn solid Declarer basics in this set of hands , and it all begins with the Plan .
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Click to browse Improver Sets
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Strip and Endplays by Marti Ronemus It has been said that finesses should be avoided unless they are an absolute last resort . But , what should we do when the contract looks hopeless ? Or what if we know the finesse will fail ? This set of hands focuses on a technique that answers those burning questions .
Click to browse Intermediate Sets
Losing Trick Count 1 : by Jennifer Jones Losing Trick Count is a superior method of hand evaluation . It takes the guesswork out of bidding and enables you to get to the best contract consistently . It is even possible to bid 19 point games and 24 point slams which make !
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Click to browse Advanced Sets
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Online Escapades by Ben Norton
This set includes ten declarer play problems from various online events . A few of the themes showcased here are maximizing chances and avoiding a guess , losing the lead to the safe hand , unblocking , combining chances , and creating entries .