www.AmericanSecurityToday.com 2020 - Edition 47
The 2019 'ASTORS' Awards Luncheon
The 2019 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program
surpassed expectations with a record
number of nominations received
from industry leaders and government
agencies, and drew over 200
attendees to the ‘ASTORS’ Awards
Presentation Banquet; an exclusive
gourmet luncheon and networking
opportunity which filled to capacity,featuring
an impassioned and compelling
keynote address by former
police commissioner Bill Bratton,
on the history of policing in America
and the evolution of critical communication
capabilities in our post
9/11 landscape.
Comm Bratton was recognized as
the ‘2019 ‘ASTORS’ Person of the
Year’ for his Lifetime of Dedication
and Extraordinary Leadership in
Homeland Security and Public Safety.
So be sure to Register Early for the 2020
‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Luncheon
at ISC East 2020 to ensure your place at
this limited-space event!