www.AmericanSecurityToday.com 2020 - Edition 47
(What is the future for TSA airport security? Learn how the TSA's Innovation Task Force
(ITF) strives to enhance the traveling public's experience through advanced technology
all while ensuring they arrive safely to their destination. Also get to know members of
the ITF team who've partnered with solution providers to imagine and create a seam-
less airport security experience. Courtesy of TSA.)
field data and feedback.
TRACER 1000 Features Include:
• First certified spectrometer Explosive
Trace Detector (ETD) is now selling in
Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
• Laboratory performance mass spectrometer
ETD that is inexpensive simple
to use, field rugged and reliable.
• Mass spectrometry ultra-high laboratory
accuracy ETD delivers a near zero
False Alarm Rate (~0%FAR) 100% of
the time.
• Low ~0% FARs eliminate thousands
of unnecessary and labor intensive
ETD initiated patdowns and delays.
• Lowest cost of ownership by using
fewer swabs requiring no dopants or
calibration bottles and is low maintenance.
• Delivers 100% uptime with only one
brief calibration per 24 hrs. scheduled
during off-time.
• Unlimited and instant explosive library
• Real-time threat alerts sent to supervisor’s
desktops and phones.
• Artificial intelligence is at work 24/750