www.AmericanSecurityToday.com 2020 - Edition 47
(Spot weapons while ignoring harmless personal items. 'ASTORS' Award-Winning Evolv
Express™ a ‘touchless’ security screening solution that meets all of the post-pandemic
security screening requirements. Express is up to 10X faster and far more accurate
than metal detectors using new sensor technology and artificial intelligence. Visitors
walk right through at a natural pace while carrying their phones, bags and other per-
sonal items. Evolv now incorporates elevated body temperature (EBT) sensors to alert
screeners of potential signs of COVID-19 infection. Courtesy of Evolv Technology.)
TSA has already made modest
changes to its screening pro-
cesses by, for example, allowing
passengers to scan their own
boarding passes and requiring
TSO staff to wear gloves and
Eliminating physical pat-
downs would be an obvious and
long-overdue additional step
in the right direction.
Even before COVID-19, , emerg-
ing technology had dramat-
ically reduced the need for
physical pat-downs, , which
now also create health and
safety risks.