2020 August Edition 47 | Page 27

“We are proud to have been se- lected as the winning turnstile solution for a major Biophar- ma company in North America who is helping the fight against COVID-19 after competing against two other large well-known turn- stile manufacturers,” explains Mi- chael Stoll, VP of Technical Sales & Marketing at Aeroturn. www.AmericanSecurityToday.com 2020 - Edition 47 “Aeroturn won the initial project back in 2018 and all future in stallations based on superior reputation, perfor- mance specifica-ca- tions, durability, endurance, our 5-year warranty & zero maintenance mecha- nisms, and a 10 million passag- es guarantee.” September of 2018 and deployed four lanes of its enhanced X-Wing turnstiles with custom LED’s that matched the corporate colors at the Biopharma company’s North American headquarters. Phase II consisted of an addition- al 11 lanes of X-Wing turnstiles that were deployed the following year at another campus. After proving themselves over the With a phased approach, Aero- turn won Phase Michael Stoll, VP of Technical Sales & Marketing for Aeroturn LLC accepting an ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Award at ISC East 27