www.AmericanSecurityToday.com 2020 - Edition 47
The U.S. government has invested over $5B in COVID-19 vaccines, creating a race to the fin-
ish in the Biopharma industry, many of which rely on Aeroturn high performance turnstiles
to secure against unauthorized access, corporate espionage, vaccine protestors, product
tampering, and leaked information.
Securing Access for Vaccine Big
Pharma in a COVID-19 World
Guest Editorial by Monique Merhige,
President, Infusion Direct Marketing
With the COVID-19 global
pandemic on the rise and no
end in sight, the Biopharma
industry has received billions
in US government funding to
push the development of a
COVID vaccine forward.
The race is on as drug makers
across the country work diligently
to develop vaccines and therapies
to help fight the COVID-19
The U.S. government will pay
$1.95 billion to buy 100 million
doses of a COVID-19 vaccine
being developed by Pfizer
Inc. and German biotech BioN