90% of ‘ASTORS’ Award Winners
return to compete in the Annu-
al ‘ASTORS‘ Homeland Security
Awards Program, and 100% of ‘AS-
TORS’ Sponsors return year after
year to reap the benefits of their
participation in the industry’s
largest and most comprehen-
sive Annual Awards Program.
gory recommendations to those
below and include COVID-19
Frontline Professionals in your
Nominations to see that these
Professionals, Facilities, , and
Vendors receive the Recognition
they Deserve!
www.AmericanSecurityToday.com 2020 - Edition 47
With the unprecedented occur-
rence of the COVID-19 pandem-
ic, , the focus of the safety and se-
curity industries has realized the
need to increase innovations
to address these growing chal-
As such AST aims to make sure
these firms and professionals
are reflected in the 2020 ‘AS-
TORS’ Awards Program so we
encourage you to submit cate-
• Best COVID-19 Testing Device
• Best COVID-19 Detection Innova-
• Best COVID-19 Emergency Re-
sponse Solution
• Best COVID-19 Communications
Please submit your category rec-
ommendation for consideration to
Michael Madsen, AST Publisher at: