2020 'ASTORS' Finalists Edition | Page 36

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2020 FINALISTS Edition - 49

tactics tics for breaching

networks masquerading as legitimate employees , using stolen cre- dentials and deceptive mea- sures to infiltrate a network

. Attackers are able to accomplish these ends all while remaining undetected for lengthy dwell times

, challenging security teams as they have to be

success- ful 100 % of the time , whereas

an attacker only has to get lucky once . It s now time to turn the tables on attackers and use deception against them .

The Attivo Networks

ThreatDe- fend ® platform is a compre- hensive detection solution

for attack activities inside the net- work .

The platform offers in-network visibility and detection for on-premises , cloud , and re- mote locations across all

attack surfaces and against any attack vector


It detects lateral movement ac- tivity such as discovery and re- connaissance , port and service scans , data gathering from Ac- tive Directory ,

Man-in-the-Mid- dle attacks , credential theft and reuse , and mapped share traversal . The platform does this by de- ploying network , endpoint , ap- plication , data , and AD decoys and deceptive assets to create a fabric that misdirects and mis- informs attackers .

These decoys blend in with

the production environment

but do not impact normal opera- tions and remain hidden
