Over 200 distinguished guests were honored in their respective fields at the
2019 ' ASTORS ' Awards
Presenta- tion at ISC East .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2020 FINALISTS Edition - 49
In the midst of
extensive COVID-19 travel
restrictions across the United States , health and safety concerns due to the pandemic , as well as public un- rest throughout our nation ' s cit- ies as protests continue
, it is un- fortunately not viable to meet in person for the event this year
. deepest gratitude to our
2020 ' ASTORS ' Homeland
Securi- ty Awards Program
Sponors for your continued com- mittment and support .
As a means to help connect the community and to recognize the hard work and achieve- ments of security and public safety professionals and lead- ers this year , the 2020 ' ASTORS
' Homeland Security
Presentation will be made on- line . -
. - sponsors
AST would like to express our
Please know we look forward to seeing you at the 2021 ' ASTORS
' Homeland Security
Presen- tations Luncheon , which will take place in New York
on Wednesday November 17th
, 2021 .