Along with such thinking is the belief that while an acquaintance has characteristics otherwise meriting concern , the person is perceived as innocuous .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2020 CHAMPIONS - Edition 51
Elsewhere , a suspect may engender the modes of radicalization , indicators of mobilization , and other attributes of extremism that are unrecognized .
Preconceived perspectives who might be a radical — even stereotyping — may cause wrong determinations such as false negatives and positives .
Still , a police department may face multiple , more pressing challenges than extremism .
In that setting , the issue is not a lack an awareness of the threat but a capacity to assuage it .
Police departments may craft multiple , distinct counterterrorism efforts that center on the public .
They should fixate on endeavors that detect radicalization and terror recruitment efforts .
Police should become well skilled at ferreting out individuals who have become mobilized ( radicalized persons who support the use of violence in their efforts and intend to do so ).
Although not foolproof , it is imperative that criminal analysts assess questionable behaviors that are dangerous independently of other considerations ( e . g ., declaring one is seeking martyrdom ) and warrant immediate countermeasures ( e . g ., impending travel to a conflict zone ).
Police Responses Centered on the Public
Paying attention to the prospect of family terror network-cen-