• 360 Blue strongly emphasizes the importance of ensuring the appropriate
use of all personal protective equipment (PPE), including masks and
disposable gloves even after the 24-hour waiting period. A mask that covers
the nose and mouth and creates a good seal against the face is required for
any entry to a property at all times.
• Gloves should be changed between properties and also between certain
in-property tasks including handling dirty linens and trash.
• Hands should be washed as soon as possible after gloves are removed.
Always wash hands thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm
water, throughout the day but especially when gloves are removed. After
hands are washed new gloves should be put in before handling anything.
According to the CDC, “If soap and water are not available and hands are
not visibly dirty, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60%
alcohol may be used. However, if hands are visibly dirty, always wash hands
with soap and water.”
• Once a mask is moist or wet, it is no longer effective and should not be used
anymore. For a disposable mask, discard it appropriately. For a cloth mask
that can be reused or washed, carefully place it in a zipper bag (such as
Ziploc®) to be disinfected later.
• All surfaces should be cleaned before being disinfected. With 360 Blue and
CDC approved chemicals. Allow a 10 minute contact time for the chemical to
dwell on each surface to ensure full disinfection.
• Use disinfecting products on all major surfaces and pay attention to all
high-touch areas, including doorknobs (inside and out), lockboxes or
electronics lock panels, elevator buttons, stair railings, telephones, light
switches, remote controls, arms of chairs, refrigerator door handles, sliding
door handles, toilets, faucets and knobs, clothes hangers, touch screens, and
playsets/toys, to name a few.