A black rhino ’ s horn is worth a lot . A rhino horn is also a symbol of wealth . Rhino horns cost more than gold . They are also hunted because some people believe a rhino horn has special medical powers , even though that is not proved .
People used to hunt rhinos for fun , not just black rhinos but all rhinos , but now it is because of their horns that people are hunting them . They are losing their habitat too . But all kinds of rhinos are starting to recover . There are 5,600 black rhinos
now .
What a Black Rhino eats
Black rhinos eat many different kinds of plants . They eat over 220 different species ! But rhinos prefer leaves over other plants . Black rhinos also eat for half the day . According to Black Rhinos , “ Black rhinos have pointed upper lips ”. This helps black rhinos grab their food from trees and other plants .
Black rhinos are similar to other rhinos but have many differences . All rhinos need to eat a lot because they are bigger and need more energy . All rhinos are recovering after almost becoming extinct . Some are recovering slower than
others .
A Black rhino eating