2020-2021 | Page 17



“ What would you do if you were a bat ?” First the bat will do ... wait a minute , first we have to learn about bats ! Hmmm where can You start to learn about bats ... ok ok sorry this feature article will tell you what bat is , bat body and where bat like to live . Then you can answer the question ! Let ' s start reading .

What is an animal bat ?

First of all do you know what a bat is ? It is ok if you don ’ t know because you will learn the normal things the bat will do . Bat are the only special mammals that can fly and the only mammals that make loud voices that can hear far away . Bat also need to eat , there are 1,000 species of
13 bat so what they eat will not be the same but most bats drink blood or eat fruit . Some eat honey and some eat nectar like hummingbirds . And according to kiddle “ In addition to loss of habitat , one of the most dire threat comes from white nose syndrome , a disease that has decimated bats in the U . S . and Canada

How bat body is like .

There is secret in the bat wing . There is a thing about bat body if you want to know then keep reading . Bat wings are actually not wings they are bat long fingers ( hand ) covered with bat skin so that means the wing can bend . Then let ' s talk about the cute cute face . Why they are cute is because their face are little then there body . Bats have long ears to listen to there echo that they made and bat have long teeth to drink blood . .