202 MAGAZINE JULY EDITION July 2013 | Page 45

playing in the loop / 202 fun /
X Always wear protection . Use eye protection if you are going to be lighting any type of firework . For your ears , make sure both you and your child are wearing protection to guard against loud explosions .
X Choose an open area away from any dry vegetation to ignite fireworks .
X Light one firework at a time and never try to re-ignite a “ dud ” as it could explode injuring those within close proximity .
X Never point or shoot fireworks at another person .
X In case of emergencies , always have a first aid kit handy that includes burn ointment .
X Soak fireworks in a bucket of water before disposing to prevent fires and injuries .
In addition , fire experts recommend not letting children play with or light fireworks . Instead , teach children about proper firework spectator safety .
“ Fireworks can be fun and entertaining ,” Dwiggins says . “ Make sure to follow the law and know proper safety techniques to make sure your families have a happy and safe Fourth of July .”
Firework-sale season is in full swing . But before you light that fuse , you ’ ll want to check out the law and get the word about what ’ s legal and what ’ s not .
According to House Bill 2246 , fireworks are legal to purchase throughout the state of Arizona .“ But just because you can buy fireworks doesn ’ t mean you can use them ,” says Thomas Dwiggins , battalion chief of the community relations division of the Chandler Fire Department . “ Each city has its own set of laws when it comes to firework usage that people will want to keep in mind this Fourth of July .”
What else parents will want to know :
A If you are going to be selling fireworks you must have a permit .
A Only individuals who are 16 or older can purchase fireworks legally in the state of Arizona .
A Arizona ’ s firework law allows that only consumer and novelty fireworks like sparklers , party poppers , smoke candles and ground sparklers are legal to use . This does not include any fireworks that would rise into the air and explode or detonate .
For more information about firework safety and fire work usage laws , visit your city ’ s fire department website .
202magazine . com / JULY 2013 / 202 MAGAZINE