202 Magazine August 2013 August 2013 | Page 51

coach’s corner / 202 LIFE / competition. Instead, invest in a professional resume critique. You’ll get specific strategies based on your goals, strengths and accomplishments to get the attention of hiring managers and put yourself in high demand!  And one more bonus tip: consid-   Interview smart er hiring a career coach. A career coach can partner with you as you navigate through a stormy situation and give you the tools and support to help put your career back on track. Bot- If you’re getting interviews, but not job offers, then you need stronger interviewing skills. Interviewing brings tom line, if you’ve been unemployed or at a lower level position for longer than six months, then you need to shake things up! Try different career strategies and start thinking outside the box. And never, ever give up your drive, ambition and courage that it takes to move your career forward.   Your job is out there waiting for you. You just need to go get it! 202  up a lot of anxiety, so put those fears to rest and invest in a session with an interview coach before your next interview, you’ll get crisp, solid strategies to learn how to ????\?H[?\???[???[???\?H?Y?]Y\?[??[??]??^H????HH[?\??Y]?????\??H?X\?\?H?\?Y\???]Y?\? [?\??][?[?XZ?\?[?]]??H ? L?8?'?\??\?Y\??????'H?HH[?YH????]?\????8?'H??[??H?X??8?$?\???[??Y\????[??[???X??Y?\?[??\?\?Y?\?H^[???K[????\?Y\??]?X???'H[?8?'?\?Y\??X\?8?$? H?\??H??\??[\???[??[?8?'H?\??[?H?SPV???&\?? LT???\???[??[?[??[?H?[????Y?YH??QH?\\???H??S??H?P??]???^P??[??P?X????K???? ?XY?^?[?K???H ?UQ?T? ? L? ? ? ?PQ?V?S?B??LB??