202 Magazine August 2013 August 2013 | Page 43

raising kids in the east valley/ 202 PARENTHOOD / Photos By Martha Day 202 Magazine caught up with Gilbert’s Day family to find out: What was the biggest lesson you learned in school? Nathan Day – Residential Developer – Age 30 “The biggest lesson I learned in school is not the knowledge itself, but the ability to find the answer to the question. You don’t have to know everything, you just can’t give up until you find the answer.” Amaris Day – Stay at Home Mother – Age 30 “My biggest lesson learned in school took place during my years at SFASU in Botany with Dr. Vandover. I had no true desire to learn anything about plants, yet his passion for the subject and his desire to teach was infectious. It drove me to have such a love for the subject that I still to this day enjoy anything and everything to do with plants. I believe that it is because of his thirst for knowledge and desire to educate that I also developed a passion for teaching and pursued my master’s degree in education. Through him I learned the importance a dedicated and caring educator is for a student to thrive and succeed.” Lola Day – Student at Mission Church Sunday School - Age 3 “I learned that God loves me and how to share with colors.” Thalia Day – Age 1 Loves to eat anything and everything!  202magazine.com / AUGUST 2013 / 202 MAGAZINE 43