2019.86.1_Croftonian_1913_ACCESS COPY | Page 11

The noises in the street were hushed ; the great and solemn blue twilight hung over the earth : the little crickets set up their evening song , and the pale stars came out one by one in the misty blueness . Down the street came an old man , bent and faltering , gazing from right to left as one who encounters old memories at every turn . With faltering steps he came to the old lady ’ s gate . She , by some ' strange instinct , unseen , unknown , went to the gate .
As darkness closed in , the gentle , silvery moon saw these two fondly hand in hand enter the little white house ; the umbrella , feeling its work was done , and rejoicing that it had helped to keep those two true .
Explanations followed and the little old lady forgave him who until the eve of life had forgotten to come back .
ELSIE V . STONE . curbing
The Recent Craze for Climbing Grouse Aiountain