2019 Yukon Riverside Arts Festival YRAF_program2019web | Page 25

Other Events Black as Night Burlesque Party 11 pm, Thursday, Bombay Peggy’s Dolores Black wants to lead you down a path of darkness. This enigmatic Dawson based performer will be the host of Black as Night, a Burlesque soiree and the Gallery Hop’s official after party. Dress up as your shadow alter-ego and catch her mesmerizing performances, starting at 11 pm at Bombay Peggy’s Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre presents TH k’ä̀jit-in Old Crow ts’ä̀’ hëtèjel (TH Youth Went To Old Crow) Book Launch + Photo Exhibition 5 PM - 6PM, Friday, Alchemy Cafe Two groups of youth went to Old Crow with the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre at the end of September 2018 and in May 2019 for Caribou Days, which is a cultural community gathering that celebrates the return of the caribou. The caribou are a very important part of the community as they are a main source of food and significant in Vuntut Gwitchin culture. Come see photos by Nessa Oliverio, Erica Taylor, and Lizzi Johnson printed in a hard copy book, hot off the press! Canadian Wilderness Artist Residency presents DERELICT, FLOTSAM & JETSAM: A Pechakucha Inspired Event 7 - 9 PM, Friday, Saturday, Alchemy Cafe Join the artists of the 2019 Canadian Wilderness Artist Residency (CWAR) for two evenings of “Pechakucha” style presentations and story-telling: 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each - each presenter has 6 minutes and 40 seconds to captivate the audience. Topics range from heartfelt vulnerable confessions to silly and benign ideas, and artist talks to educational lectures. CWAR artists will be joined by a handful of local artists, creators, and community members each with a unique story to tell. FRIDAY: Bettina Matzkuhn, Vancouver BC, Mina Rafiee, New York USA, Caitlin English, Toronto ON, Shannon Cooney, Berlin GD, Geoffrey Simon Brown, Calgary AB, Sabine Burns, Revelstoke BC + A selection of local artists! SATURDAY: Hilary McDonald, Edmonton AB, Kohen Hammond,Toronto ON, Marina Hulzenga, Edmonton AB, Caitlin Griffin,Vancouver BC, Yvonne Hachkowski, Vancouver BC, Adrick Brock, Vancouver, BC, + A selection of local artists!