2019 Yukon Riverside Arts Festival YRAF_program2019web | Page 18

Arts Fests Demo Tents Wendy Nixon (Northern Fibres Guild) TAPESTRY WEAVING & KNITTING Join Wendy in making a tapestry weaving piece using provided yarns and materials. The piece will be donated to KIAC at the end of the Festival. Wendy will also demonstrate basic knitting stitches for anyone that would like to try their hand with knitting needles. Put the digital devices away for a while and join the world of fibre arts! Parental supervision required for 12 and under. Jean Carey (Northern Fibres Guild) INTRODUCTION TO WEAVING Weave your very own “mug rug” on a table loom with Jean Carey. Jean will llustrate the infinite possibilities possible from a very simple loom setup and de-mystify the weaving process for participants. Parental supervision required for 12 and under. Janice Brodie (Northern Fibres Guild) YARN SPINNING . Janice will be using a spinning wheel to spin wool and silk onsite. It’s mesmerizing! Come try it out for yourself. Age: 12 + Horst Berlow WATERCOLOUR LANDSCAPE PAINTING (SATURDAY ONLY) Create a watercolour painting of a landscape or subject of your choice. Horst will provide step-by-step guidance along the way and help participants unleash their creativity. Cost: $5, Age:12+ Françoise La Roche NATURAL DYEING Join Françoise for a hands-on lesson in natural dyeing using onion skins and watercolour paper. While your paper dries, Françoise will show you how to create a paper box. Cost: $2, Parental supervision required for 12 and under. Bill Donaldson WOODWORKING & CARVING Bill will be carving onsite and invites participants to carve their own wooden spoons or other creations with his tools, help, and guidance. Parental supervision required for 12 and under.