2019 Yukon Riverside Arts Festival YRAF_program2019web | Page 10

in us at the Keno Lounge enjoy your favorite craft brew or specialty artini on the best patio in Dawson City! Join us at the Keno Keno Lounge Join the Keno Lounge Lounge Join us us at at the Join u martini on the the best patio Dawson City! martini best patio in Dawson City! martini on on the best patio in in Dawson City! and enjoy y martini o Keno Lounge is open 2:00pm - Midnight and and enjoy your favorite craft brew or or specialty and enjoy your favorite craft brew specialty and your craft brew or specialty Belinda’s Restaurant is enjoy open 6:30am - favorite 9:00pm Join us at - the Keno Lounge Join us at the Keno Lounge Keno Lounge open 2:00pm - - Midnight and and Keno Lounge is is open 2:00pm Midnight Keno Lounge is open 2:00pm Midnight and and enjoy is your favorite craft brew or specialty Belinda’s Restaurant is open 6:30am 9:00pm Belinda’s Restaurant open 6:30am - 9:00pm Belinda’s Restaurant open 6:30am - - 9:00pm and enjoy your favorite craft brew or specialty martini the best patio in Dawson martini on the best on patio in Dawson City! City! Join us at the Keno Lounge Keno Lo Belinda and enjoy your favorite craft brew or specialty Keno Lounge is open 2:00pm - Midnight and Keno Lounge is open 2:00pm - Midnight and martini on the best patio in is Dawson Belinda’s Restaurant open 6:30am City! - 9:00pm Belinda’s is closed from 2pm - 5pm J o Belinda’s Restaurant is open 6:30am - 9:00pm 800.544.0970 • westmarkhotels.com Keno Lounge is open 2:00pm - Midnight and Belinda’s closed 2pm - 5pm Belinda’s is is closed from 2pm - 5pm Belinda’s is closed from from 2pm - 5pm Belinda’s Restaurant is open 6:30am - 9:00pm 800.544.0970 westmarkhotels.com 800.544.0970 800.544.0970 • • westmarkhotels.com • westmarkhotels.com and e ma 8 800.54 WE ALL SMILE FOR ARTS FEST! 800.544.0970 • westmarkhotels.com Belinda’s is closed from 2pm - 5pm Belinda’s is closed from 2pm - 5pm 800.544.0970 • westmarkhotels.com Belinda’s is closed from 2pm - 5pm 800.544.0970 • westmarkhotels.com PROUDLY SUPPORTING KIAC SINCE 2000