2019 US Spa Industry Study 2019 Compensation Supplement | Page 26

Unstaffed Positions: Directors and Managers Spas saying that they have unstaffed positions were asked to also say how many spa director and spa manager positions they are actively trying to fill. The total number of spa director positions that spas are currently seeking to fill is estimated at 990, of which 620 (63%) are full-time and 370 (37%) are part-time positions. It is estimated that spas are seeking to fill 3,320 spa manager positions, of which 1,930 (58%) are full-time with the remaining 1,390 (42%) part-time openings. Unstaffed Positions: Spa Directors and Managers Full-time Part-time All Directors 620 370 990 Managers 1,930 1,390 3,320 All 2,550 1,760 4,310 26