2019 Renown Health Community Value Report | Page 13


From NICU to nothing can stop him

Renown Children ’ s Hospital is northern Nevada ’ s only hospital dedicated to the medical needs of children . Our acclaimed facility includes the region ’ s only 24-hour children ’ s emergency room , a newborn intensive care unit ( NICU ), child-size equipment , child-friendly design touches , and an exceptional team of skilled pediatricians , nurses and staff who are always ready to help children ( and their parents ) heal .
Sarah and Howard Zink were thrilled to be having a child . After many baby bump photos and much anticipation , it was time for their 17-week ultrasound . Their entire family showed up for the appointment .
“ Everybody had said that I was having a boy — everybody ,” Sarah says . “ They gelled me up , my belly was out , and the doctor looked around the room and said , ‘ It ’ s a boy !’”
The family was packed in the room , excited that some of their gender bets had paid off . Then , the doctor ’ s tone changed , and he muttered , “ Wait a second ,” looking closely at the ultrasound image .
“ The feeling went from so happy and exciting , to feeling fear that there was something wrong ,” Sarah remembers , tears welling in her eyes . “ Everything you feel that was so happy just comes crashing down immediately .”
At that moment , Sarah and her husband were told that their son , Howie , had gastroschisis , a congenital condition of the abdominal wall that allowed his intestines to exit through a hole beside his belly button . In other words , Howie would be born with his intestines outside of his body . In the U . S ., about 1,800 babies with gastroschisis are born each year .