2019 RainForest ArtLink Teacher's Guidelines PREVIEW 2019 PREVIEW+Rainforest+ArtLink+English | Page 8

II. Lesson Plan and Activities Lesson1: Communicating Culture and Values Through Art Essential Questions Enduring Understandings What is culture? What are values and how do they help define one’s culture? Art is a universal language that can convey cultural norms and values. What are the advantages of using art (non-linguistic communication) instead of written or verbal means of conveying ideas? Expanding one’s awareness of other cultures enhances appreciation of the lives of peers living in another country. How does the environment affect my partner’s daily life? How does it affect my own? One’s natural environment affects one’s culture. Activity Description and Important Points Materials 1. Cultural Art Working in small groups, students use the art examples, analyzing each piece for details and clues that illustrate the artist’s cultural and norms and values. Analysis a. Answer the questions by first looking only at the art. Worksheets b. Read the artist’s description and re-examine initial answers. c. Groups share their analyses of each art example. Point out that the activities presented (telling stories, watching fireworks, taking care of children, picking up litter, etc.) and the noted details (types of clothing, musical instruments, etc.) are visible aspects of culture. The reasons why the artists chose to share these scenes (importance of heritage, patriotism, respect for nature, etc.) illustrate values, which are invisible aspects of culture. d. In sharing aspects of their culture that they particularly valued, only one of the artists specifically illustrated how they interacted with their environment. Which artist was this? How did the rest of the artists include environmental aspects in their pieces? e. Have students develop definitions for cultural norms and values based on class discussion. Cultural Art and Analysis Work- sheets #’s 1-6 Rainforest ArtLink Tool Box: Strategies for Deeper Understanding • • • Students work in small groups or individually depending on age/grade and ability level. Check the U.S. Grade Level Learning Standards for specific objectives for age/grade appropriate content. As a whole or in small groups, have students do further research to discover facts about their partner’s city, country and culture. Students create a personal preference web, comparing personal preferences to cultural norms and values (See Personal Preference Web in Appendix). US Learning Standards Addressed Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11 -12 Click on link or go to page indicated Page 62 63 64 66 67 69 71 73 Back to Table of Contents 2019 Rainforest ArtLink Program “Heritage” Page 25