2019 Popular Annual Financial Report volume 1 | Page 11

T he T own ’ s N et P osition G arner ’ s N et P osition Assets FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 $133,785,703 $131,759,583 $133,138,590 3,141,493 2,565,727 3,683,445 52,802,115 61,368,514 63,781,739 254,193 1,570,464 2,202,319 $83,870,888 $71,386,332 $70,837,977 Deferred outflows of resources (e.g. Town’s share of future pension expenses) Liabilities Deferred inflows of resources (e.g. property taxes paid in advance) NET POSITION N ET POSITION IS the difference between total assets and deferred outflows of resources and total liabilities and deferred inflows of resources. A positive net position means Town assets exceed liabilities. The Town had a positive net position of $70,837,977 as of June 30, 2019. Overall, net position decreased by $0.55 million in FY 18-19, primarily due to the Town utilizing reserve funds for the purchase of land for future development. (It had decreased by over $12 million in FY 17-18 due to a new accounting standard that changed how the Town accounts for post-employment benefits, primarily health care.) Approximately 90 percent of net position ($63.71 million) reflects the Town’s investment in capital assets. The net investment in the capital assets category is defined as the Town’s investment in its own assets (e.g. land, buildings, equipment and infrastructure) less any related debt still out- standing issued to acquire those items. The Town uses these assets to provide services to residents. An additional $3.9 million of net position (5.4 percent) is restricted. These resources are subject to specific external legal restrictions that limit the Town’s ability to use these funds beyond the purpose for which they are provided. The remaining $3.3 million of net position (4.6 percent) is unrestricted. N et P osition I nvestment N et P osition by F iscal Y ear (in millions) $80 84.03 82.39 85.65 85.69 86.20 Unrestricted $3,271,208 (4.6%) 83.87 60 71.39 70.84 17-18 18-19 Restricted $3,853,148 (5.4%) 40 20 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 (fiscal year) 16-17 2019 P opular A nnual F inancial R eport Capital assets $63,713,621 (90%) 11