Ohio SADD Northwest
Ohio (five
the area
participated) Ohio SADD hosted a weeklong NPW event to highlight underage
drinking through a pilot program called SMASHED, a unique theater
education program that aims to prevent underage drinking among high
school students and equips students with the knowledge and skills
they need to make smart decisions about alcohol. Poughkeepsie High
School Poughkeepsie,
NY During NPW, Poughkeepsie High School set up resource tables around
the school hosted by community organizations that provide substance
abuse education and treatment, as well as county mental health and
crisis intervention agencies. Teachers also invited guest speakers from
these agencies to give presentations about prevention in their classes
throughout the week.
PACT Prevention Coalition St. Augustine,
FL During NPW, the PACT Prevention Coalition held a town hall meeting
centered on fentanyl and its negative impacts. The event included
information about the Coalition’s prevention efforts and encouraged
community members to get involved. PRO-ACT Philadelphia,
PA This fall, PRO-ACT will host a community-wide walk called Recovery
Walks! in Philadelphia to support recovery from drug and alcohol
addiction disorders during September’s National Recovery Month and
to celebrate NPW 2019.
Pasco County Alliance
for Substance Abuse
Prevention Pasco County,
FL During NPW, the Pasco County Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention
and Baycare Behavioral Health held a prevention conference
called Strengthening Our Communities on Mental Health and Drug
Prevention. The conference inspired attendees to engage in cross-
sector collaboration and apply innovative health promotion ideas to
their communities. Project H.O.P.E. Robstown, TX PASS Prevention Coalition Lindsay, OK The PASS Prevention Coalition observed NPW early this year by
participating in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s National
Prescription Drug Take-Back Day in April. They promoted proper
disposal of prescription drugs and worked to distribute lock boxes for
safekeeping of prescription drugs. Project H.O.P.E. hosted the Nueces County Family Symposium on
Substance Prevention at the end of NPW. The Symposium generated
a community discourse about substance misuse issues affecting
communities and featured professionals from a variety of sectors
to illustrate the current community trends. It also included a panel
discussion on creating a culture related to substance misuse
Reality Check of New
York, No Limits of
Nebraska, and the Truth
Initiative Richmond, VA Youth from Reality Check of New York, No Limits of Nebraska, and the
Truth Initiative held an advocacy event outside the Greater Richmond
Convention Center during NPW 2019. The event strived to raise
awareness about tobacco and JUUL products and how they influence
young people. Participants had the opportunity to ask industry
executives about tobacco and vape marketing.
Pilsen Wellness Center,
Hamline, MN
During NPW, Pilsen Wellness Center and Hamline Elementary School
hosted a roundtable discussion called Preventing Illicit Drug Use and
Youth Marijuana Use. The discussion included a Q&A with the Youth
Advisory Committee, which comprises students in 6th, 7th, and 8th