2019 Let's create a book! | Page 89

Unforgettable 18th Birthday

Created by: Joniškis “Ausros” Gymnasium,

Piktupėnai Basic School, Pagėgiai Municipality, Radviliskis Lizdeikos Gymnasium


It was the last day in the school before the Christmas holiday. Also in a few days my friend Jimmy would celebrate his 18 th birthday. We wanted to surprise Jimmy and that was the reason to organize a party for him. First of all, we needed an empty place where we could celebrate it. I posted an advertisement on the internet asking if anyone could offer us to rent any kind of place suitable for parties. The next day I received just a single reply from an old lady who suggested us a really nice looking wooden house with a sauna. We checked the pictures and accepted the offer, because we didn’t have any other options. As we finally found the place, we had to share our duties and things each person should be ready for the party. I was the organizer so I had to bring us to the place and I was the only one who had the driving license.