2019 Let's create a book! | Page 84


The second challenge was the zombies, which tried to poke Mr. 5E06 chip. Nevertheless, the zombies failed to do this because he had the ability to turn to steel and so the walking dead could not do anything for him. Though he was irresistible, he had a large army of zombies before him, which Mr. 5E06 had to overcome. Because he was steel, he used his steel hands to help him and easily passed the entire army of zombies. Moreover, the second, comparatively easier task was overcame.

To Mr. 5E06's the last third task was to kill a terrible monster which had a snake's head, red eyes, two horns in the forehead, clenched ears, lion nails, a tail of a lizard and a scarred vulture. He, though laughing out of fear, saw the monster, and attacked him, still being steel. Without any weapon self-defense, he tore a piece of steel out of himself and tried to kill monster. He crossed his head, but the steel piece just slammed. Mr. tried to push it into monster‘s heart with the piece that he had leaned on, but it picked up the gun and shot the gun down out of Mr. 5E06 hand. The gun went down and he was forced to flee to take it. At the very moment he took his steel weapon back into his hands, the monster was already behind his back. Taking advantage of

his incredibly fast reflex, he turned and crossed her disgusting muzzle and finished to kill the monster. Now he overcame the most difficult obstacle and successfully reached the laboratory.