2019 Let's create a book! | Page 79

The Lab Experiment

Created by: Kaunas Steponas Darius ir Stasys Girenas Gymnasium, Šeštokai School, Lazdijai d., Švenčionys Zigmas Žemaitis‘ Gymnasium, Lauksargiai Basic School, Tauragė d.


It was some time before morning. The sky still drenched in the darkness while a little light was trying to escape its grasp.

He suddenly awoke from a peaceful nap. Sirens. Their distant echoes rang in his head reminding him of something coming.

He bolted upwards from the bench and took a look at the far city. The typical red and blue lights of a running ambulance seemed so tiny from the hilltop... and so did the people. The little settlement appeared calm and peaceful, much more different than what the future would hold.

Even though he was living a traveler life now, he began to miss a simple city life. A regular cup of coffee, greeting of the friendly neighbour, doing his old job. Never was that a fun, but it was a standard and he liked standards. Now it