2019 Let's create a book! | Page 75


Mick gave up. ‘Wake up! Return to reality! It must be a bad dream or a vision. I shouldn’t have worked so hard last week. It must be the result of stress, or something…’ He felt exhausted, so he fell down on the cold hard sofa, grabbed a blanket out of the box that stood at the end of the sofa and quickly plunged into a black deep ocean full of restless stormy dreams…

When Alisa woke up, she felt worried. Her husband wasn’t lying in bed, he was missing. Her first thought was that he was making breakfast or coffee, or maybe reading his morning newspaper. Suddenly, she recognized the smell wandering in the air. The smell that reminded Christmas, or yesterday… The smell Mick hated the most… cinnamon, disgusting cinnamon …

The woman rushed downstairs. Her chest was filled with horror from the sight in front of her, the view which made her release a painful sound, like a moan. Then, she heard Diana’s voice upstairs asking what happened. The woman couldn’t say a word but fell to her knees and watched her husband lying on the floor. She was staring at his face ruined by a surreal smile, the same smile a gingerbread had on its surface. The same smile on the gingerbread lying next to him.

At the same moment Alisa heard a mysterious voice say the last words. “Your grandmother broke my heart. Now I’ll break yours…”