2019 Let's create a book! | Seite 34

Partisans: Brave Soldiers of the Past and the Future


I was about 16 years old then and I didn‘t know anything about war. I thought being a hero would be easy, It’s only shooting the bad guys. My uncle fought in the Great War, he used to tell me a lot of amazing and inspiring stories which made me want to become a hero. When the time came I was about to join the partisans, but my family managed to talk me out of my decision, saying that I wasn’t prepared enough.

I can remember one bright day. I was walking around the forest and looking for mushrooms. My father was into mushrooming, so he knew a lot about them. He taught me that the best mushrooms grow on the northern side of the tree trunks. As I was walking around, behind a thick tree I noticed someone’s silhouette, so I walked up to it. It was a girl. She was really beautiful with long, blonde hair and pale, flawless skin. And I will never forget her eyes… It felt like there was a whole ocean in them, they were so angelic, so blue.

I was never shy, but when I wanted to talk to the girl, I didn’t know what to say. I was so caught up in her beauty that I felt speechless. Having realised that I was staring at her, the girl became very uncomfortable, so she was the first to start a conversation. Then we ended up walking around the forest and chatting for hours. We were talking about our village, families, friends, how we were doing at school and didn‘t even notice that it was already getting dark. We both realised that it was high time we headed back home.

After a few moments we reached the glade of the forest and were struck by the view we saw and the sounds we heard. In the distance everything seemed red, even the sky was red. We could hear gunshots and screams. I instinctively grabbed my friend’s hand and shouted:


Biržai “Aušra“ Basic School, Tauragė Tarailiai Progymnasium,

Pakuonis Basic School, Prienai d., Kybartai “Saulės“ Progymnasium, Vilkaviškis d.