2019 Let's create a book! | Page 18

The Secret of the Strattons‘ Box


Friday, September 13th, 1962

I’ve always lived a fairly humble life, I wasn’t very interested in school, but I didn’t throw my life away completely. After a great deal of hesitation, I became a farmer, and I’m quite content with that decision. I have taken up my parents’ farm and the rest is history, but I’ve always had a knack for paintings, photos and things before my time. And I’m quite delighted to note that I’ve found something of interest in the attic of the cottage where my grandparents used to live. I had never discovered it before, simply because I have had no good reason to clamber there, but I’m fortunate that I have done it anyways…

Well if I had never had a reason to go there before, why did I do it that gloomy afternoon? Just to kill time: it was pouring with rain, the wind was howling like a wolf and nothing else proved interesting. So, to combat my boredom I just went to my grandparents’ attic. At first, I found nothing, as the place was almost completely empty. Except for heaps of dust, piles of pre-war newspapers and a few pairs of wooden clogs that must have once belonged to my ancestors. But after examining that dull environment more thoroughly I noticed a peculiar little box. So, I picked it up and rushed back to my house.


Šilalė Darius and Girėnas’ Progymnasium, Marijampolė Marijonai Gymnasium, Šilutė Martynas Jankus’ Basic School, Taurage “Šaltinis“ Progymnasium