2019 Let's create a book! | Page 104


His heart skipped a beat. He couldn‘t believe his eyes. It was like a miracle, so he rubbed his eyes in disbelief. The book fell out of his hand. Without a doubt, it was she. The girl, he‘s been waiting for weeks. She was standing on the other side of the road with her long brown hair blowing in the wind. Roy hesitated for a second, whether or not he should go to her.

“But then again,” a thought crossed his mind, “this might be my last chance to speak with her.” Roy thought about it and decided to go to her.

He looked out the window again. She was walking slowly and seemed to be looking for something on the ground.

"The red armlet" he thought and stood up. He slowly walked to the oak shelf it was placed in, thinking about what he‘s going to say to her. As he was picking the armlet, he glanced out of the window for the last time before leaving. But she was not there anymore. He quickly grabbed the red armlet and ran outside almost as his life depended on it, slamming the door behind him.