2019 Korean History and Cultural Seminar for Educators - Handbook 2019 NKS Handbook-0617 | Page 68

ㅁ (1) 미음 MiEum m As in "mother". ㅂ (1) 비읍 BiEup b / p Since this can be both voiceless and voiced, foreigners may think of it as 'b' or 'p'. However, it is a bit less voiced than 'b', and less strong than 'p'. ㅅ (1) 시옷 SiOt s The sound is not as strong as the English 's', but close. ㅇ (1) 이응 IEung none / ng This symbol when appearing as the first consonant does not have any sound. It acts as a placeholder for aesthetic reasons. ㅈ (1) 지읒 JiEut j / ch Since this can be both voiceless and voiced, foreigners may think of it as 'j' or 'ch'. However, it is a bit less voiced than 'j', and less strong than 'ch'. ㅊ (1) 치읓 ChiEut ch This is the real voiceless 'ch' sound. ㅋ (1) 키읔 KiEuk k The is the real voiceless 'k' sound. ㅌ (1) 티읕 TiEut t This is the real voiceless 't' sound. ㅍ (1) 피읖 PiEup p This is the real voiceless 'p' sound. ㅎ (1) 히읗 HiEut h This is about as strong as the English 'h'. Definitely less strong than the German version. ㄲ 쌍기역 SsangGiYeok gg The sound is stronger, voiced 'g'. Like Spanish 'k' ㄸ 쌍디귿 SsangDiGeut dd The sound is stronger, voiced 'd'. Like Spanish 't’ ㅃ 쌍비읍 SsangBiEup bb The sound is stronger, voiced 'b'. Like Spanish 'b' ㅆ 쌍시옷 SsangSiOt ss This is, maybe, slightly stronger than the English 's'. ㅉ 쌍지읒 SsangJiEut jj this sound is stronger, voiced 'j'. (1) The 14 basic consonants. In the original set, it included ㅿ (반시옷 BanSiOt), ㆁ (엣이응 YetIEung) and ㆆ (된이응 DoenIEung). V OWELS Symbol Sound ㅏ (1) 'a' in 'far' ㅐ 'a' in 'pack' ㅑ (1) 'ya' in 'Maya' ㅒ 'yea' in 'yeah' ㅓ (1) 'u' in 'duck' Memo Think of it as the half vowel 'y' plus ㅑ (that is, the shape of the lips do not change). 66