2019 House Programs The End of Eddy | Page 5

Director’s Note Pamela and I read The End of Eddy when it was first published in English—and we were convinced immediately of its potential as theatre. Soon after we realised it would make sense to specifically tailor our adaptation for a young audience. We felt that the issues the book explores from a young person’s perspective were under-represented in theatre for young people: sex, sexuality, class and violence all filtered through a clear political lens. It was a challenge, but we felt this was unusual and exciting territory for a young audience. Our first step was to approach our colleagues at The Unicorn Theatre, the UK’s leading producer of theatre for young audiences. Purni Morell was leading the organisation at that point and she was enthusiastic and commissioned us to make the show. Neither Pamela nor I had made work for young audiences before and the knowledge and expertise of the team at the Unicorn were invaluable in our process. But whilst every decision taken in the creation of this stage version of Eddy was made with our target audience in mind, we’ve been thrilled with the responses from younger and older audiences alike. — Stewart Laing