2019 House Programs The End of Eddy | Page 3

A Unicorn Theatre (UK) and Untitled Projects production The End Of Eddy Based on the book En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule by Édouard Louis Copyright © 2014, Édouard Louis All rights reserved First published by Editions du Seuil in 2014 An excerpt from Scorched by Wajdi Mouawad, translated by Linda Gaboriau, is quoted in this production of The End of Eddy by kind permission of the author. The End of Eddy was commissioned by the Unicorn Theatre (UK) and Untitled Projects. It was first performed at the Unicorn Theatre, London on Friday 17 August 2018. The company wish to thank Arts Council England for its continued support for the Unicorn Theatre, The National Lottery through Creative Scotland’s Open Project Fund, Édouard Louis, Michael Lucey, Purni Morell, Michael Abubakar, Francis Botu, Ryan Gerald, Thomas Catry, Agnès Jaulent, Emily Wraith at Berlin Associates, Gill and David Perkins, Alex Austin and Kwaku Mills.