2019 Great Food Hall Xmas Catalogue 2019GreatFoodHallXmasCatalogue_compressed | Page 37

Best Turkey Ever You know Christmas has truly arrived when the glorious golden turkey is set on your festive table, radiating heat and happiness. We bring in the finest, most flavoursome turkeys from France and the US, so your family and guests can enjoy a magnificent Christmas meal. Enjoy these amazing salmon delicacies from Tasmania, Huon raises healthy fish in sustainably managed environments for the ultimate in fresh flavour and ecological responsibility. Woodbridge slow smokes its fish over applewood coals for four days. Huon Tasmanian Cold Smoked Salmon 76445 $68.9 Huon Tasmanian Cold Smoked Salmon Gin & Kaffir Lime Cured 11763 $74.9 Huon Tasmanian Cold Smoked Salmon Whisky Cured 11760 $74.9 Woodbridge Tasmania Cold Smoked Hand Craft Atlantic Salmon  81734 $94.9 Woodbridge Tasmania Cold Smoked Hand Craft Ocean Trout 81735 $94.9 Dinde de Bresse AOC, Chapon Bressan 3-4.5kg (Oven Ready) 85402 $42/100g French Chilled Turkey (5-6kg) 29963 $29/100g French Label Rouge Turkey (3-4kg) 33691 $37/100g US Mary’s Free-Range Heritage Turkey (3.5-9.5kg) 42241 $26/100g US Mary’s Free-Range Organic Turkey (3.5-9.5kg) 42239 $21/100g US Mary’s Free-Range Turkey (3.5-9.5kg) 42240 $16/100g Seasonal Salmon from Tasmania Products are available in store. Pre-order is required for Gammon Ham and Poultry, please refer to the attached Order Form for details. 33